Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Role of Technology in Early Childhood Programs

Technology in the classroom is a controversial topic in United States schools. Most educators and parents would agree that technology should be incorporated in the curriculum. However, what age group/grade should technology be incorporated? The article “The Role of Technology in Early Childhood Programs”, written by Francis Wardle, is focused on integrating technology in early childhood programs.
In the beginning of the article, the author favors the idea that it would depend on an early childhood programs overall program goals and objectives for each student. It would also depend on how computers are incorporated into the early childhood curriculum. The author also discloses that most experts believe computers are not developmentally appropriate for children under the age of three, however, these same experts believe children three years and older can begin to successfully explore and use computers. I disagree with this statement. I believe age three is an inappropriate age to begin exploring computers. At that age, most children have not developed reading skills. I believe at that age, children can continue to learn by educational toys or watching age appropriate educational videos/ television shows.  I believe that technology should be integrated in the classroom at a young age; however, children should not learn how to access computers until the ages of 4 or 5. This would be around the preschool and kindergarten grade level. At this period, children should know, or learning the alphabet and numbers. This stage is also known as Piaget’s pre-operational stage.
The pre-operational stage is considered as the concrete learning stage. This is when children are interested in using newly learned symbolic representation, such as speaking, writing, drawing and using numbers.  Children have difficulties sitting still and need frequent changes in learning. This is also the stage when children are continuing to explore their language. I believe due to this, it is appropriate time for children to begin learning the fundamentals of using technology in the classroom.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Integrating technology in the classroom follow up

My Opinion on integrating technology in the classroom has not changed. I still feel it is necessary to have technology integrated as part of the curriculum. Today’s world relies on technology and there are no signs that this will decrease. Instead, the usage of technology will continue to increase as time goes by. It is crucial to prepare our students for the workforce since technology is an important tool used. It is also necessary for the U.S classroom to integrate technology to stay current with other advance countries, such as china. If we
fall behind, eventually our country won't be considered as reliable.

Another example of why integrating technology in the classroom is necessary is it’s a way of communicating with others locally, nationally and even internationally. Technology has made it both affordable and less time
consuming to have business meetings, communication among other schools, or to just stay in touch with love ones regardless of the locations. Technology has made communication, sending and receiving information within a few seconds for people.

Overall integrating technology in the classroom is crucial due to its a part of the human race's lifestyle that will continue to evolve as time continues.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Equal Access

I believe it is the responsibility of both parents and the educators to provide equal access to the digital world to children. I feel that educators should teach students the current tools that would benefit the students both in the classroom and their daily lives. However, I think it is up to the parents to maintain the students’ knowledge. An educator can provide technology education by teaching lessons using technology and assigning homework that allows the students to utilize their skills they have learned. I understand not all students have access to a computer or internet in the home. However, there are public libraries and school libraries with free computer access. Also, students have other electronic devices such as cell phones and I-pods with internet access.

As mention before, I believe parents should also be held responsible for students utilizing their technology skills. This can be done is by making sure students are keeping up with their assignments. Also, if parents take advantage of the free computer programs in their community, it will help parents engage with students with their assignments.

Parents as partners 
The presentation I did attend on ed tech talk was “Parents as partners”. The presenter was Cale Birk, the principal at South Kamloops Secondary School in Kamloops, British Columbia. Mr. Birk discussed the importance of not only having school staff and parents interact with each other, but also the students. I believe a student’s opinion should also be considered, since they are the one that the education pertains to. Birk also mentions how he has witness the decrease of parent’s involvement as the students move up in school. With this in mind, Birk included additional features on the school website to enhance interaction among staff, students and parents.
During the presentation, Birk talks about the importance of educators using technology to teach both students and parents. He mentions how students do know how to use technology; however they need to be educated on how to use technology when learning new material. I agree with this statement. There are numerous websites that could help students with learning different subjects. In addition to, with the technology we have today, students can explore different cultures and exotic locations without leaving the classroom. On the school website, there are tutorial on how to use free tools that are useful for both students and parents. Birk gives examples of, blogger, wordle and google docs in his presentation.  
The school website also has chat rooms that could help parents have conferences among school administrators and other parents. This is something I believe is beneficial. Both parents and educators are busy, and may have conflicting schedules during the day hours. It may be easier for both to set up a time during the evening that works for them to discuss the child’s behaviors or academics without having to leave home. This school site also allows parents access to their child’s grades and assignments.
I believe in order for success, communication is essential. Keeping all parties in constant communication (parents, teacher, and students) would not only improve the education of the child, but improve both the school and the community as a whole. Birk shared additional ways to include parents in school events, news and surveys. The school also submits information by twitter, text messaging and direct e mail if granted permission from the individual. Everyone has a preferable way of communicating. I believe by having these options accessible, it may increase engagement among the educator, the parents and students.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pros and Cons to Using New Media in the Classroom

Pros and Cons to Using New Media in the Classroom
Published May 08, 2008
Written by Grace Chen

This article discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of using media in the classroom. Twenty years ago, less than half of Americans did not own personal computers nor was internet usage common in the home. This has changed. Today, majority of Americans possess a personal computer and internet, or has easy access to both. Since twenty years ago, there has been an increase use of technology globally (cell phones, internet, I pods etc.). With this, wouldn’t it make sense to teach the upcoming generation how to utilize technology in the classroom? I believe this is the case. 

Some of the advantages discussed in this article were the fact that kids have had exposure to new media/technology at a young age compare to their parents. Kids still learn how to read the traditional way. However, they have also learn how to read other “text”, such as movies, television shows, commercial and other types of “new media” text.  With this advantage, kids are able to decode and process advertisements and other types of media better than adults. This could help them for when they become active members in the working world.
As of their having advantages of technology, there are some disadvantages discussed in this articles. Having electronic devices, such as television used as a tool for learning how to read instead of books or poem, will decrease a child’s ability to read. According to Grace Chen, studies have shown that “using new media is not a horrible tool to assist in teaching, but that using these medium as a primary resource takes away from students the ability to develop their imagination and creative thinking “(Chen p.1). The article also discusses how students today are known to have decrease scores in language arts. This may be due to over exposure to visual media. 

After reading this article, I have come to the conclusion that technology should be used in the classroom. However, I do not believe that technology should take the place of the essentials of learning subjects taught in school. However I feel that it could assist with educating students. For instance, students could use electronic books instead of hard copy textbooks or novels. Integrating technology in the classroom is important because of how much our world relies on it. In order to be successful and stay current globally, it is important for students to be educated on how to use technology in their daily lives.